Laboratory Services
Discover the true potential of your data with our data science experts and machine learning.
Analytical Techniques
Discover the true potential of your data with our data science experts and machine learning.
Discover the true potential of your data with our data science experts and machine learning.
Well Ensure you always get best results.
We have developed search strategies for leading brands to small and medium sized laboratory’s across many industries in the UK and worldwide. We are an experienced and talented team.
Chemical Research
Environmental Testing
Anatomical Pathology
Chemical Research
Medical Professionals:
Who's in the Laboratory
To help stakeholders in government and business make smart decisions.
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What Clients Say
Proud and honoured to have met Doctor Henry. He's the ophthalmologist in Africa with national and international recognition. Very devoted, disciplined and the very best at everything he sets his mind to do. I'll encourage you to like, comment, share and follow his page for rich and educative content.
Chäirman Nkwete
Chäirman NkweteJe témoigne votre professionnalisme. Dr .nkumbe vous m'avez fait opérer de mon œil gauche. Le 04 juillet 2024 suite à l'hémorragie du vitré. Le résultat de l'opération est juste formidable. C'est vrai que l'œil n'est pas encore bien cicatriser. Mais je vois bien avec. Un merci particulier à votre endroit Dr. Que le sgr vous accorde longue vie pour que vous continuez de sauver non seulement les camerounais. Sans oublier les étrangers. Vous faites du bon travail Dr.!!!!
Nadège Ymele
Nadège YmeleMon expérience chez MICEI,ce que ici on trouve un centre hospitalier au centre du continent africain qui sait organiser les soins oculaires hyperspecialisés et un programme de formation des cadres des santé oculaire excellents.A côté de cette recherche constante d'excellence, il s'ensuit une gouvernance institutionnelle très appréciée grâce au leadership exemplariste de ses gouvernants.Voici un endroit où l'Afrique se sent fier de développer son Manpower de qualité pour lutter contre la cécité et faire la promotion de la santé oculaire en Afrique subsaharienne.Moi je recommande ce centre accrédité aux différents programmes et projets de santé oculaire d'Afrique pour la formation et les soins de haute qualité et inclusive.
janvier kilangalanga
Work Together to Create
Laboratories used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various fields of science and engineering with laboratory.
Laboratories used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various fields of science and engineering with laboratory.
Laboratories used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various fields of science and engineering with laboratory.
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Laboratory & Skills
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We have developed strategies for major brands to all the sized laboratory’s across many industries. We are an experienced and talented team member.
Medical Research
Read Our Latest News
We offer a laboratory technology to reward clients and suppliers via cashback, rebates and discounts. Right now the lab technologies are the upgraded.
16 Aug
Categories Children's Eye Health, Patient care
Author By DrHNPosted on
Cataract is a loss of transparency of the eye’s natural lens. In advanced cases (mature cataract), the lens may appear white or...
15 Aug
Categories Children's Eye Health, Patient care
Author By DrHNPosted on
Correction of visual impairment by cataract surgery in adults, aged 49 years and above, was found to be associated with an approximately 40 percent lower mortality.
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Categories Children's Eye Health
Author By DrHNPosted on
As parents and children in Cameroon prepare for the start ...