In the News

In the News


  1. Mbwogge M, Astbury N, Nkumbe HE, Bunce C, Bascaran C.,  
    Waiting Time and Patient Satisfaction in a Subspecialty Eye Hospital Using a Mobile Data Collection Kit: Pre-Post Quality Improvement Intervention. JMIRx Med. 2022 Aug 9;3(3):e34263. doi: 10.2196/34263.  
  1. El-Maghraby A, elMaghraby A, Alireza M, Etya’ale DE, Felch WC Jr, Makary T, Nkumbe HE, Pyott DEI, Resnikoff S, Sommer A, Spivey BE, Straatsma BR, Taylor HRMagrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute, Yaoundé, Cameroon: Ophthalmology Subspecialty Patient Care and Training Center in Central Africa.  Am J Ophthalmol. 2019 Jan;197:98-10  
  1. Randrianotahina HC,Nkumbe HE. Pediatric cataract surgery in Madagascar. Niger J Clin Pract. 2014 Jan-Feb;17(1):14-7 
  1. NkumbeHE, Razafinimpanana N, Rakotondrajoa LP. Social marketing to increase the rate of cataract surgery in the Sava region of Madagascar. Med Sante Trop.2013 Oct-Dec;23(4):462 
  1. Razafinimpanana N, Nkumbe H, Courtright P, Lewallen S.  Uptake of cataract surgery in Sava Region, Madagascar: role of cataract case finders in acceptance of cataract surgery. Int Ophthalmol. 2012 Apr;32(2):107-11. Epub 2012 Mar 20. 
  1. Nkumbe HE, Randrianotahina HCL.  Meeting the need for childhood cataract surgical services in Madagascar.  Afr J Paediatr Surg. May – August 2011; 8 (2): 182 – 4 
  1. Hall AB, Nkumbe H, Pimm J.  Intraocular Cysticercosis: Surgical Removal of Intravitreal Cysticercae. Video Presentation.  The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Birmingham. Tuesday 24th – Thursday 26th May 2011 
  1. Nkumbe HE, Kollmann KHM, Gaeckle HC.  Assessment of diabetic retinopathy in newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetics in Kenya.  East Afr Med J. 2010 Mar; 87 (3) 109-14 
  1. Nkumbe H.  Helping older people get the eye care they need.  Community Eye Health Journal 2008; 21(66): 26-28 
  1. Nkumbe H, Cassels Brown A.  La biomicroscopie du fond d’œil sans lentilles de contacte. Revue de Santé Oculaire Communautaire 2008;5(5): 23  
  1. Nkumbe H, Technique d’ophtalmoscopie indirecte avec ressources limitées.  Revue de Santé Oculaire Communautaire.  2008;5(6): 47  
  1. Nkumbe H, Rabemiarana E.  Plaidoyer dans la région du Vakinankaratra, Madagascar.  Revue de Santé Oculaire Communautaire 2008;5(6): 40  
  1. Norris JH, Gale RP, Nkumbe H, Backhouse OC, Bernadin P, Chang BY.  Oculoplastic surgery in Madagascar: a review.  Community Eye Health J 2009; 22(70): s03-s04 
  1. Nkumbe H, Rakotondrajoa P, Rabemiarana E, Rakotondrajoa H.  Soins oculaires primaires dans les centres de santé de base de Madagascar: premier bilan.  Revue de Santé Oculaire Communautaire 2010;7(8): 12-14 
  1. Nkumbe H.  We Can See Again.  Video Documentary on the organisation of a model community ophthalmology outreach programme in Tanzania.  
  1. Nkumbe, H.  A Guide for 1st Year Ophthalmology Residents.  University of Nairobi, Kenya.  13th November 2000 
  1. Köcher D, Nkumbe H, Popp D, Vahedi PB, editors. Minutes of the 10th Summer Seminar of the GTZ Health Section, 15-17 June 1999, Eschborn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 1999: 38-41.  

Scientific presentations 

  • College of Ophthalmology of East, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA) annual meeting.  Kigali, Rwanda. 22nd August 2019 
  • Comment améliorer la satisfaction et la fidélité des patients  
  • Societe Afrique Francophone d’Ophtalmologie, annual meeting.  Lome, Togo. 05th December 2018 
  • “Ensemble contre la cecite et la malvoyance en Afrique” 
  • Germano-Cameroonian Forum for the Medical Sciences (CAMFOMEDICS), Berlin Germany.  29th September 2019 
  • „Eliminating Avoidable Blindness in Africa – progress made and challenges moving forward 
  • „Making eye care accessible for all – the case of the Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute, Yaoundé“ 
  • Societe Francaise d’Opthalmologie (SFO), 124th Annual meeting 5 – 8 May 2018.  Paris, France 
  • Vers l’Autonomie Financière, L’exemple du MICEI de Yaounde 
  • Cameroon Society of Ophthalmology, February 2018 
  • Panellist on round table discussion on the “Outreach and cataract surgery.” 
  • World Ophthalmology Congress, March/April 2014, Tokyo, Japan 
  • Addressing the cataract challenge in sub-Saharan Africa 
  • Will we achieve the WHO Global Target? 
  • World Ophthalmology Congress, June 2010, Berlin:   
  • African Ophthalmology Forum presentation 
  • Madagascar Ophthalmological Society Meeting.  Ranomafana, October 2008 
  • Rakotondrajoa LP, Rahelinirina I, Nkumbe H.  Nécessité d’une évaluation régulière des résultats de la chirurgie de la cataracte. (Why we should regularly monitor the outcome of Cataract surgery) 
  •  Nkumbe HE. Biomicroscopie du fond d’oeil avec ressources limités. (Biomicroscopy of the posterior segment of the eye with limited resources) 
  • Nkumbe HE. Ophtalmoscopie indirecte avec ressources limités.  (Indirect ophthalmoscopy with limited resources).  
  • Madagascar Ophthalmological Society Meeting.  Foulpointe, October 2007 
  • Nkumbe HE. Lutte contre la cécité a Madagascar: les ophthalmo-chirurgiens face au défi.  (The fight against blindness in Madagascar – the challenge faced by ophthalmic surgeons).  
  • Nkumbe HE., Rakotondrajoa PL. Prise en charge de la keratoconjuntivite printanière sévère. (Management of severe vernal keratoconjunctivitis) 
  • Ophthalmological Society of East Africa (OSEA) conference in Kampala, Uganda.  August 2002.  
  • Fundus findings in Black African type 2 diabetics 
  • Retinopathy of blood dyscrasias 
  • Deutsche Stiftung fuer Internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (DSE).  Conference on HIV in Africa.  Bonn, Germany.  December 2000.   
  • Augenkomplikationen von HIV/AIDS und Behandlungschwierigkeiten in Afrika.  (Ocular complications of HIV/AIDS and management challenges in Africa.) 


Chair of Scientific Sessions 

  • West African College of Surgeons 2018, Banjul, The Gambia 
  • World Ophthalmology Congress 2014, Tokyo, Japan 
  • World Ophthalmology Congress 2010, Berlin, Germany 
  • Madagascar Ophthalmological Society Meeting 2010, Antsirabe, Madagascar 
  • Madagascar Ophthalmological Society Meeting 2008, Ranomafana, Madagascar 
  • Madagascar Ophthalmological Society Meeting 2007, Foulpointe, Madagascar 



  • Banjul, The Gambia.  02 March 2018.  Visiting lecturer at Cheik Zeiyed Eye Center.  Paper presented: “ A Student for Life: Online Continuing Professional Development Resources for Eye Nurses.” 
  • 2017: Developed clinical protocols for clinical consultations, cataract surgery and post-operative management of patients at the Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute, Yaounde, Cameroon.  
  • 2017: Developed curriculum for training in Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery at the Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute, Yaounde, Cameroon.  
  • 1999 – 2002: Established first guidelines and protocol for fluorescein angiography at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Nairobi, Kenya.  

Other Publications

  1.  Ott, Stephanie (2014-01-21). “Scalpel, scissors, landing gear: Flying eye hospital helps blind to see”CNN. Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  2.  Ayuk Anticilia (2022-03-01). “Henry Nkumbe, The Man Who Became a Solution”CAMEROON CEO (in French). Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  3. “Glaucome : 280 mille personnes touchées” Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  4. rédaction, La (2022-03-01). “Henry Nkumbe, The Man Who Became a Solution”CAMEROON CEO (in French). Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  5. Info (MMI), Mimi Mefo (2023-11-03). “Dr. Henry Nkumbe: Leading Cameroonian Ophthalmologist Shines in Central Africa”Mimi Mefo Info. Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  6.  “January Newsletter 2023”CBM Ireland. Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  7.  Anjara Rasoanaivo (2012). “Madagascar: Dr Henry Ebong Nkumbe”Midi Madagasikara.
  8.  “For exceptional impact in healthcare in Africa: Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute wins prestigious int’l award”For exceptional impact in healthcare in Africa: Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute wins prestigious int’l award. Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  9.  “OPIC Executive Vice President Travels to Cameroon | DFC” Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  10.  Mbwogge, Mathew; Astbury, Nicholas; Nkumbe, Henry Ebong; Bunce, Catey; Bascaran, Covadonga (2022-08-09). “Waiting Time and Patient Satisfaction in a Subspecialty Eye Hospital Using a Mobile Data Collection Kit: Pre-Post Quality Improvement Intervention”